Monika Schulz-Strelow
President of FidAR e.V.

For six years Monika Schulz-Strelow has been supporting and advising investors from home and abroad as well as international business development corporations in her capacity as a self-employed business consultant. Prior to that, she spent 16 years working for the BAO BERLIN-International GmbH, a foreign trade subsidiary of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce, eight of them as a member of the board of management. Chief emphasis was on making trade and industry in Berlin more international and improving export activity in the long term. The Berlin Business Representation to the European Commission in Brussels which she headed contributed to making more efficient use of European funding programmes and networking Berlin businesses with partners in Europe. She studied political science and languages at the University of Bonn and the FU-Berlin.

Since 2005, Monika Schulz-Strelow has been active in a voluntary capacity for the initiative Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte (for more women on supervisory boards). She is a founder member and president of FidAR - Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V, an association whose chief concern is a long-term increase in the proportion of women on supervisory boards with the goal of equal participation in management by women and men.
